The MHN Blog is a companion to the Maritime Heritage Network, a not-for-profit, comprehensive website of maritime heritage organizations, attractions, and activities in the Pacific Northwest. The blog highlights news, activities, and resources useful to the entire maritime heritage community. All views expressed are the author's own. Opposing views are welcome.

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

MHN/Music Launched to Support Maritime Musicians

I'd like to announce an exciting addition to the Maritime Heritage Network website. Called “MHN/Music,” it will promote the incredible musical talents in the Pacific Northwest who keep alive maritime music traditions. You’ll find links to Northwest musicians who have made sea shanties, sea ballads, and other maritime music forms a central part of their work. To use the service, visit and click the Music links. Artists and groups include Pint & Dale, Shanghaied on the Willamette, Hank Cramer, and much more.

Most importantly, you’ll find an opportunity to support your favorite maritime music artist by purchasing their albums online. MHN has developed relationships with CD Baby, a leading website for independent musicians, and to offer maritime music albums for sale via MHN. Simply click on the MHN album link to make your purchase. Buying maritime music CDs supports maritime musicians and the preservation of shanties and sea songs unique among the world’s folk traditions.

Additionally, your purchase of an album via the MHN link supports the website’s operations. A small portion of your purchase is paid directly to MHN, and the money will go toward website hosting fees and site maintenance.

Please let your friends and contacts know about MHN/Music. If you know of a maritime music artist that is not listed, please let me know, including contact information.

Any and all feedback is welcome.


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