The MHN Blog is a companion to the Maritime Heritage Network, a not-for-profit, comprehensive website of maritime heritage organizations, attractions, and activities in the Pacific Northwest. The blog highlights news, activities, and resources useful to the entire maritime heritage community. All views expressed are the author's own. Opposing views are welcome.

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Seattle Firm May Have Found Lost WWII Sub

The Boston Globe reports that a Seattle firm, surveyors Williams and Associates, may have found the World War II submarine USS Grunion off the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The warship was lost without a trace in July 1942, and the sons of the captain have sought her whereabouts ever since. The Globe article was reprinted in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Here's a link to the Grunion Search blog with sonar images. (The blog is photo heavy, so it takes a long time to load.)


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