The MHN Blog is a companion to the Maritime Heritage Network, a not-for-profit, comprehensive website of maritime heritage organizations, attractions, and activities in the Pacific Northwest. The blog highlights news, activities, and resources useful to the entire maritime heritage community. All views expressed are the author's own. Opposing views are welcome.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pirates Arrr Them

OK, so this is a bit of a stretch, but I came across a funky Puget Sound band called Pirate R Us, which I immediately fell in love with because they perform a song about pirate radio station KYAR, as in K-Y-AY- arrrh!!! Sounds like a cross between a chinese opera and someone stomping on a cat's tail. Truly arrrrful, but hilarious. The song's on their first EP, "Songs of Modern Piracy." Reminded me of me own time as a pirate radio DJ back, oh you don't really want to know. Anyone who has children younger than 10 knows that pirates are as popular as ever, and they're a great way to get kids interested in maritime history. So when a band like this comes along, it's cause for hope. The only thing missing is the parrot.


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